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Visit to the library of the Technical University of Munich

Avatar of Dozent/in Dozent/in | 26. April 2016 | Führung, Führung | Bibliothek

Bibliothek der TUM

After an extended behind-the-scenes tour of the TUM library a couple of weeks ago, we had the pleasure of attending an abridged version of the tour on April 14 - this time in English.
Once again we were amazed by the desk chairs, versatile chairs you can transform into tables if needed. New and surprising to us was the fact that the TUM library does not have an information desk and thus no face-to-face information service at all. Nevertheless they offer various channels of communication for their users, even Whatsapp. Due to the increasing number of students studying in the library, the open access shelves gradually have to make way for working spaces. While most of the students appreciate this change, the only ones complaining are the architects who still need their printed books (while all the others have already switched to using mostly electronic resources).
Special thanks to Mrs. Bäcker who was our very welcoming and most knowledgeable guide on both occasions!

P.S. This time we didn't get the chance to visit the roof terrace, but we recommend the great view over Munich to everyone. On a clear day you can even see the Alps from up there!

Class of 2017

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